Allison Tenney

Time Under Tension

Most training programs I see these days focus mainly on exercise selection. Exercise selection is key when it comes to a thorough and successful program. Progressing a client through a program is a bit of an art form. It takes experience, and lots of trial and error to figure out what works.

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The Best 3 Core Exercises

There is a difference between training core muscles to help improve overall strength and training to get six-pack abs. I want to address this difference and provide you with three of the best core exercises for overall human performance.

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A Call to Ignite

This past weekend I had the pleasure of hosting an event called the Seattle Ignited Women Project. One of the questions I continue to get about creating the event, was “WHY? Why this event? Why now?” (along with the obligatory head cocked to the side, and “that’s so much work!”) And my answer may surprise you (or it may not)… Especially Reason #6.

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When Being Sympathetic is a Very Bad Idea: HRV Training

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) allows you to dial in exactly what is going on with your body on a daily basis and helps guide your training process over the long term as well. It’s a tool to give you insight into your body’s response to stress, which goes way beyond the physical implications.

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