Allison Tenney

Bikini Body Rebellion

In the past, I would have criticized my body and promised myself an endless amount of cardio and a limited amount of calories to be able to wear the bikinis I was buying. Not fun (nor healthy)…
I think this entire Bikini and Summer Body sales job is just another way to shame women into hating their bodies and making us feel like we need all the quick fixes to feel worthy to wear a bikini. I’m calling Bullshit on the whole thing, and I think you should too.

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5 Habits to help you #MeasureIN

Building even ONE of these habits can help you Measure IN. It allows you to hit the pause button, reflect, connect, and expand. Practice one or all five of these habits and see how your ability to Measure IN changes, grows, expands, and enhances your life.

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3 Ways to Start Measuring IN

Measuring IN allows us to take an internal perspective of where we are at. It’s like checking the weather for your soul and being able to respond and deal with it appropriately. Check out how to start Measuring IN…

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6 Lessons of Being a Lifelong Athlete

As my athletic career continues to evolve, so do my takeaways. My body is getting older. My priorities are shifting. But the lessons remain the same. So while my training might look a little different, what I get out of that training still holds true.

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